
Operation & Maintenance


ACWS maintains a highly qualified workforce of certified operators, technicians and managers. Our teams have access to local operation centers gathering all support resources such as administration, maintenance technicians, human resources, information technology, technical expertise. This allows ACWS to meet the most stringent contingency requirements by ensuring a fast and effective response time 24/7 and resilience to our operations. We work with municipalities, military installations, utilities, consulting experts, contractors, developers, and private property owners to ensure cost effective and compliant operations of their infrastructures.

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water and wastewater systems services

  • Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plant and Waste Water Treatment Plan (municipal, industrial)
  • Electricity/plumbing/general repairs and maintenance on mechanical equipments
  • Maintenance of water treatment, wastewater systems and related assets
  • Turnkey solutions with modular systems for both water and waste water systems
  • Emergency on-call services : need operators, flushing, vacuum trucks, etc. – We are here!

network Services

Sampling and monitoring

  • Lead campaign
  • Chlorine
  • Pesticides

Fire Hydrant

  • Fire Hydrant Inspection
  • Fire flow testing NFPA

Unidirectional flushing (UDF)

  • Creation of UDF sequences considering the WDS hydraulic parameters
  • Execution of the UDF sequences


  • Complete inspection of main valve (box and/or chamber)
  • Valve exercising program
  • GPS survey
  • Logging of all valve defects
  • Evaluation of the structural and mechanical condition of valve chambers
Ouvrages eau potable assainissement